Jun 17, 2012

A Framed-Name Facebook Cover Photo Tutorial

Someone recently inquired about how my Facebook cover photo was made, and, after going into grave detail about how I clumsily stumbled upon how to do it, I realized that many more might love the info too! Be warned. It's a process, but here's how it was done :)

1. In your browser, type in nameframes.net.
Drag the letters down to create the name frame you want.

2. Take a screen shot of the web page with your finished name frame by holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and tapping the PrntScr button.

3. Open the Paint program on your computer by clicking on Start, Programs, Accessories, Paint.

4. Once opened, hold down the Ctrl button once again, but this time tap on the letter button V (this pastes whatever you've copied to your computer's clipboard, in this case a picture of the name frame you just created).

5. A picture of the name frame and the website should show up in the Paint program.

6. Save that file (I usually save to my desktop, so it's easy to find for editing).

7. Find a way to crop the newly-saved picture (I use picmonkey.com).

8. Cut around the name frame to where you think it looks good; save over the same file.

9. The picture needs to be resized in order to fit for a cover photo. The size for any picture to go here is around 850x315 pixels. I use a free program called Irfanview to resize my pictures. You can get it here for free.

10. The last step... simply upload your new cover photo :)

Good Luck!

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