Apr 12, 2009

Orange - Like the Juice ッ

A couple of weeks ago we took a personality test called True Colors in my Methods of Early Childhood class. Like previously-taken assessments, it was designed to give insight into what motivates a person and to what their values are. What I liked about this particular exam was its simplicity. True Colors divides our values/choices into four different colors (Orange, Gold, Blue, and Green).

I had my family take the test to see what colors they would be. If you know them, you'll understand why their colors were what they were :)
Jeremy was a mix of Orange and Gold with both numbers adjacent.
I was a strong Orange with Blue as my near second color.
Nicole was all over the board with mostly Blue.
And Kristian was another strong Orange, close Blue.

I’ve been watching these traits play out and think it notable to mention how accurate I think this test really is! It’s so interesting to me that I want to know everyone’s colors! Click here to take the adult test and here for the child's version. Once you’ve learned your results, click on your color link above to view traits about your personality. Also visit Traits That Frustrate to view a list of things we do that frustrate other colors. Don’t forget to holla your sound outs! Lol ~I'm a dork!~